Thread Facelift

Dr. Caner Kaçmaz

What is Tread Facelift?

Loss of bone density, muscle mass, and fat cells, as well as sagging skin accompanying all these are observed as a result of aging. Thread facelift is today one of the most important non-surgical techniques used to solve this problem. In this technique developed to eliminate the early signs of aging, the skin is stretched by suspending the sagging areas using cog threads, without the need for surgical operation.

How Is and In Which Areas The Thread Facelift Procedure Performed?

Thread facelift can be performed on various areas of the body, especially on the face and neck. Thread facelift is an easy-to-perform, safe procedure that is often preferred for correcting the droopy appearance of the cheek and chin.

In the operation process started by marking the areas to be treated under general anesthesia, first the structures of the skin and the underlying supporting tissues are analyzed for the required procedure. The threads to be used for suspension are then placed under the skin with the help of thin needles, the skin is stretched as needed, and the face is brought to its final state. After the suspension process, asymmetries (if any) are corrected, the face is cleaned, and the entry-exit points are closed with tape.

Who Are Suitable Candidates For Thread Facelift?

Healthy people between 30 and 60 years of age who have good skin quality are ideal for this procedure. However, it is important to make sure that the signs of facial sagging are not too advanced and they have just started. In cases of advanced sagging, surgical facelift techniques should be considered.

Pregnant women, those on blood thinners and vitamins, those with collagen tissue diseases, those with inadequate or excessively thick skin support tissue, and those with uncontrolled diabetes are not suitable candidates for thread facelift operations.

Treatment Details
Type Of Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Duration Of Operation None
Hospital Stay None
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