
Dr. Caner Kaçmaz

I can proudly say that; Turkey is now the 'world leader' in the field of rhinoplasty. Today, people from all over the world come to us for rhinoplasty.
Dr. Caner Kaçmaz

Who Are Suitable Candidates for Rhinoplasty?

People who do not like the shape of their nose, those with nasal deformities due to trauma or a previous unsuccessful operation, and those who have nasal breathing difficulties are suitable candidates for rhinoplasty.

Can Breathing Problems Be Corrected At The Same Time As Rhinoplasty?

Problems that cause nasal breathing problems such as curvatures (septum deviation), concha hypertrophy, bone protrusions, and valve failures can be corrected at the same time as rhinoplasty?

How Is The Decision Made On Nose Shape?

In order to understand the expectations of my patients, first I ask my them to show the parts of their noses they don't like and the changes they want in front of the mirror. Then I perform a detailed nose examination from all sides. In line with the expectations of my patients and the findings from the examinations, I do a simulation study to predict the possible nose shapes that can be achieved after the operation, and then we determine the most suitable nose shape for our patients by discussing with them.

What are the Points to Take into Consideration After the Operation?

After the operation, especially during the first postoperative month, the nose should be protected from trauma. It is necessary to protect the nose from direct sunlight for 4 weeks and avoid wearing glasses for 8 weeks.

Can Rhinoplasty Operations Be Performed In Summer?

If you protect yourself from sun exposure for 3 weeks, there is no difference between having the operation in summer and in winter.

Can Rhinoplasty Operations Be Performed In Conjunction with Other Surgical Procedures?

Surgical procedures such as blepharoplasty (eyelid plastic surgery), facial fat injection, chin tip augmentation, and breast augmentation can be performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty operations.

Treatment Details
Type Of Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Duration Of Operation 1-3 Hours
Hospital Stay 1 Night
Length Of Stay In Istanbul 5 Days
Returning To Daily Activities 5 Days
Op. Dr. Caner Kaçmaz
Dr. Caner Kaçmaz
Can respond within approximately 1 hour.
Dr. Caner Kaçmaz
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