It is a surgical procedure performed to correct sagging in the neck and jowl areas. In cases where there is also facial sagging skin, it can be performed in conjunction with face lift. Neck lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and takes 3 hours on average.
Excess fat deposits in the jowl area are removed by entering through an incision made under the chin, and the muscle in the neck called platysma that acts as a lining under the skin is accessed and tightened through an incision extending from the front of the ear to the back of the ear, in order to create a sharper line on the neck.
The excess skin is then removed by making an incision extending from the front of the ears and ending behind the ear. After the operation, patients stay in the hospital overnight, and a bandage is applied to for 1 week. Sutures are removed one week after surgery.
It is normal to have swelling, redness and loss of sensation in the skin. The skin returns to normal within 2 to 3 weeks. The targeted result is seen 2 to 3 months after the operation. It is recommended to avoid smoking at least 1 month before and after the operation.