Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

'I think that breast augmentation is the aesthetic procedure that makes a woman happiest'.
Dr. Caner Kaçmaz

As a result of the advancements in silicone implant technology, breast augmentation operations have been performed very commonly and safely and in recent years. We decide on the breast size together with our patients, based on the measurements made during our pre-operative interviews with them. Simulation programs, on the other hand, help us better understand the expectations of our patients and choose the right implant accordingly. We use only FDA-approved new-generation silicone gel-filled implants in our operations. Although rarely, also fat injections can be performed in breast augmentation operations, but operations with silicone implants give much more successful results.

Who Are Suitable Candidates for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Women who think their breast volumes are inadequate, those who have loss of breast volume due to weight gain and loss or breastfeeding, and those who have slight looseness and sagging in their breasts are suitable candidates for breast augmentation surgery.

Is There Any Age Limit For Breast Augmentation Surgery?

It is necessary to wait until 18 years of age to allow for the completion of the breast growth. However, it can also be performed before 18 years of age in cases where one of the breasts is not structurally developed or there is serious asymmetry or a medical need for such a surgical intervention. In addition, if this surgical procedure is planned after breastfeeding, it is necessary to wait at least 6-9 months for the mammary glands to fully recover.

How Is The Decision Made On Breast Size?

We determine the current volume and tissue thickness of the breast, the patient’s height, her breast structure and breast circumference, the position of the nipples, the degree of Breast Sagging, and most importantly, the breast size that we plan together with our patients to achieve in line with the expectations of our patients. In cases where there are asymmetries and volume differences in the breasts, it may be necessary to place silicone implants with different volumes in the right and left breasts to equalize their volumes. Your doctor is the person who will make the best decisions in determining some technical features such as the base diameter, projection and volume of the implants.

Does Breast Augmentation Surgery Leave a Scar?

Breast implants can be placed through an incision made around the nipple (periareolar approach) or under the breast (inframammary approach). However, implant placement through an incision under the breast is more preferred nowadays because, as it is safer and does not leave a visible scar. In the inframammary approach, an incision of 4 cm in length is made just on the inframammary fold, and it becomes hardly visible after about 1 year.

Is An Implant Placed Beneath Or Above The Muscle?

Breast implants can be placed in 4 anatomical planes in the breast: submuscular, supramuscular (subglandular), subfascial, and partial submuscular (dual plane) planes. The most appropriate anatomical plane is determined depending on the tissue thickness of the person, the laxity and sagging of the breast, and the characteristics of the selected implant.


Breast augmentation operations are performed under general anesthesia. The procedure takes 1 hours on average. After the operation, 1-night hospital stay is needed. After 4 to 5 days, daily activities can be performed. It is recommended to use a special bra for a period of 1 month after this surgical procedure. We recommend our patients to avoid strenuous activities, lifting heavy things, stretching their arms up over the head, and lying face down for a period of 1 month.

Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Painful?

Our patients who had supramuscular implants feel almost no pain. In the first few postoperative days, patients with supramuscular implants may have mild pain that can be controlled with simple painkillers.

Can a Woman Who Has Had Breast Augmentation Surgery Give Birth And Breastfeed?

Since the mammary glands are preserved during breast augmentation operations, the procedure does not cause any adverse effects on giving birth and breastfeeding.

When Do I Exchange My Implants?

New generation breast implants do not have a certain replacement time. In some cases however, since the breast is directly exposed to gravity, it may be necessary to replace the implants to correct unwanted changes.

Treatment Details
Type Of Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Duration Of Operation 1 Hour
Hospital Stay 1 Night
Length Of Stay In Istanbul 6 Days
Returning To Daily Activities 5 Days On Average
Op. Dr. Caner Kaçmaz
Dr. Caner Kaçmaz
Can respond within approximately 1 hour.
Dr. Caner Kaçmaz
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