Botulinum Toxin Injection in The Treatment of Migraine

Migren Botoksu

‘The happiness of my patients, whom I met when their lives were unbearable and whom I have been following for about 5-6 years, has made me more interested in this practice’.
Dr. Caner Kaçmaz

As a migraine patient, I myself know very well the difficulties suffered by migraine patients. Migraine is not just a headache. After the pain is triggered, you have to avoid light, sound, and any other stimulus, leave your work and everything, and can do nothing other than lie down and wait for the pain to go away. You feel nauseous and see flashes of light. Sometimes a migraine attack can even urge you to go to the emergency department.

Migraine pain occurs due to the compression of the nerves between the muscles in the head and neck region. Since botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles in the application area for a long time, the muscles and consequently nerves relax when it is applied to the trigger points in migraine patients. As long as the effect of botulinum toxin continues, the frequency of migraine attacks and the severity of pain keep decreasing to a considerable extent. Botulinum toxin injection in the treatment of migraine gives quite successful results when performed by competent and experienced people.

As both a migraine patient and a physician, I can look at this treatment from both perspective, and I can say it is a treatment procedure that makes me very happy as both a physician and a migraine patient.

Who Are Suitable Candidates For Botulinum Toxin Injection In The Treatment Of Migraine?

Migraine patients who do not adequately respond to medical treatments, and whose migraine attacks continue with increasing frequency and severity, are suitable candidates for botulinum injection in the treatment of migraine.

How Is Botulinum Toxin Injection Administered in The Treatment of Migraine?

It is a treatment procedure we perform in clinic conditions, which takes about 15 minutes. First of all, the trigger points of the patient should be determined, and where the pain starts and how it extends should be identified correctly. Afterwards, botulinum toxin is injected into all points that create a potential for migraine pain, but more intensely, into the trigger points. Since it is injected using very fine-tipped needles, patients feel almost no pain. The person can resume his or her life after the procedure. The effect of the treatment can be noticeable usually within 7 to 10 days.

Does The Botulinum Toxin Injection in The Treatment of Migraine Have Permanent Effect?

The effect of the procedure lasts 4 to 6 months on average. At the end of this period, the same effect continues as long as the procedure is repeated.

What is the Success Rate of The Botulinum Toxin Injection in The Treatment of Migraine?

The frequency of attacks and the severity of pain usually decrease in people treated with this procedure, and in some cases, there may be no attacks after the treatment. Desired results cannot be achieved in approximately 10% of patients. In such a case, a procedure can be tried again or the patient can be evaluated for surgical intervention.

Treatment Details
Type Of Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Duration Of Operation None
Hospital Stay None
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